High quality low cost Website Hosting & Design Service


Customer Feedback


Martin Abel – Illustrator

“Im happy to stay on your server, I havent had any problems with it 🙂
Thanks, and I owe you big time for helping me in the first place..
without my website I wouldnt have got any work!!!

Thanks heaps,
Cya soon, Marty”

Martin Abel – Illustrator

“Im happy to stay on your server, I havent had any problems with it 🙂
Thanks, and I owe you big time for helping me in the first place..
without my website I wouldnt have got any work!!!

Thanks heaps,
Cya soon, Marty”

Martin Abel – Illustrator

“Im happy to stay on your server, I havent had any problems with it 🙂
Thanks, and I owe you big time for helping me in the first place..
without my website I wouldnt have got any work!!!

Thanks heaps,
Cya soon, Marty”

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Sample Sites

Here we have several sites created by our dedicated Web Designers.

Please feel free to browse the different styles and techniques used here to create several uniquely functioning pages.

Please Note: – Click your mouse on a particular site to view an enlarged image of the page. Click the hyperlink below to follow to the page to test it for yourself.

Additionally, refer all questions about these sites through the Contact Us page here on Kinetic Web as all these sites are now no longer active and any contact information contained in them is out of date and invalid.


Javscript Slider PanelsJavascript/HTML Instant DisplayJavascript/HTML Graphic InterfaceJavascript/HTML Graphic Interface




Our “Unlimited Hosting” package is a red hot deal.

to find out more or call us on (03) 9783 3873